Sunday, February 1, 2009

New Creation church

One day, one guy asked this question:

"Why did God made women so beautiful and yet so stupid?"

His wife heard it and said, I know the answer,

"God made us beautiful so that YOU will marry me and God made me stupid so that i will marry YOU."
Stand up and position yourself lke a cross. People often look southwards, eastwards, westwards. All the things that are surrounding us, but what we should actually do is look northwards; look up, to God and recieve his blesings.

People often say, to catch a man, u have to catch him by the stomach, but what if the women is not a very good cook (for example me)? Well not to worry. There is one other secret weapon and that is to RESPECT ur partner. During conversations, bring it to a tone where it is not demanding but negotiable.

Do unto people on what you want people to do upon you. You need to respect others before people can respect you. - Elaine's motto

1 comment:

  1. Do unto people on what you want people to do upon you. You need to respect others before people can respect you. - Elaine's motto

    Hope you practicing that...hehe
